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If you follow Brent Spiner (Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation) on Twitter, chances are you’re well-acquainted with his sharp wit and unique brand of humor. If not, his latest web series, Fresh Hell, offers a great opportunity to experience his merriment. Though known for his more dramatic roles in film and theater, Brent further proves himself to be a natural comedian. In a world where celebrity debacle has become a form of entertainment in itself, I think this series is well-timed.

A brief overview: Brent Spiner was involved in an unfortunate event known as ‘the incident’, which led to his downfall. Though the details of ‘the incident’ aren’t revealed to the viewer, the damaging results are clear. It’ll be interesting and funny to see the antics that are sure to ensue as he attempts to reclaim his glory. 

Check out the first two episodes:

At present, new installments of Fresh Hell will be uploaded weekly on Fridays. According to the Fresh Hell profile page on Youtube, there are three additional episodes to date, but the cast is working to produce more.

Subscribe to Fresh Hell on Youtube for notification of future episodes: http://www.youtube.com/user/freshhellseries

Follow Brent Spiner on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BrentSpiner

Like Fresh Hell on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fresh-Hell-Series/140568186015261

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